Friday, November 18, 2011

The End of Secrets

This post officially marks the end of Hillview College's first official art exhibition, Secrets.

After a fantastic opening night and a tiring exhibition week, the secret is finally out.
At 1:15p.m. November 18th, 2011, the last easel was removed and the door to Secrets was sealed.

I simply cannot believe that it is over.

I feel as though I have just lost a part of me; a part of my purpose.

I am brimming with pride from this unique experience and it has motivated me to improve my skills further to become a better artist as well as a better person in general.

I want to publicly extend my deepest gratitude to my dear art teacher Mrs. Michelle Tappin - Davis for this opportunity to show our work to all of the echelons of our society.

This has given us the chance to show the population of Hillview College and the rest of the country that the arts in schools is not something to ignore, but it is something to be embraced.

Art is creativity.
Art is life.

Don't suffocate it, nurture it...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tension is building

As I write this post, I can feel the blood rushing into my brain, starving for some rest from this forsaken melee.

Secrets, our exhibition, starts in two and a half hours and the tension is building.

Anxiety is growing and annoyance is also beginning to emerge from deep within me.

I hope that we are ready.
I hope that we make an impact.
I hope that we are indeed successful in showing Trinidad that school life is not only about academia.

I hope this goes well...

And after the closing of the exhibition, my pieces will then be gradually revealed on the blog.


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